March 3, 2025

Austria Center Vienna continues to modernise: Level -2 reopens for radiology congress

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  • Austria Center Vienna
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Menschen in den Gängen eines Kongresshauses

Level -2 is one of the most popular parts of the Austria Center Vienna. In 2018, it hosted Europe’s top politicians during Austria’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Last year, the entire level was completely refurbished and modernised – while normal service continued in the background. The official reopening coincided with the European Congress of Radiology, the nation’s largest medical conference.

“We completed this huge modernisation project right on time for the ECR. Just like our customers, we are absolutely thrilled with the result. I firmly believe that we can set new standards in the events industry with digital displays, flexible room concepts, and a light and airy ambience,” confirmed Management Board Spokesperson Susanne Baumann-Söllner. “And just like the exterior renovations and the modernisation projects in the entrance hall and on levels 0 and 1, we were able to carry out the work while events continued to take place at the venue. All of these projects over the past few years add up to an impressive overall result,” added Michael Rotter, Managing Director responsible for Construction Services, Property and Project Management.

Fresh new appearance: open, bright, and modern

After around a year of construction work, Level -2 is barely recognisable. The most striking innovations are the expansive LED displays. Installed on walls and columns, they open up entirely new signage and branding opportunities. All of the suspended ceilings in the halls, rooms, and corridors were removed during the project, just as they were on Level 0 and Level 1. The dark wood panelling in halls D, G, and K has been replaced with white acoustic panels, while high-quality light oak plank flooring provides a uniform foundation throughout the level. Removal of glass portals in the corridor areas, combined with the newly raised ceilings, has created a very open and bright ambience.

Vortrags-Saal mit farbiger Beleuchtung und einer großen LED-Wand über der Bühne

Flexible walls add a new dimension

“Every event is different, which is why the variety of spaces at the Austria Center Vienna is one of our greatest strengths – not just on the domestic stage, but also when it comes to competing with other European congress centres. We made sure that this was fully taken into account when planning the renovation: Hall D can now be divided into three, and our lounge areas can also be opened up using a practical mobile folding wall solution. Bookings for the coming years already show just how important this kind of flexibility is to customers,” Baumann-Söllner noted.

Direct access to the exhibition area

In total, the level can accommodate up to 2,500 participants, who can access the event area directly from the square in front of the main building via an escalator, two staircases, and four lifts. Direct access to the three exhibition halls (X1, X2 and X3) – located only a few metres from the event halls – is a particularly attractive feature. The largest hall, Hall D, can accommodate around 1,400 people in an open layout and now features a permanently installed 60m² LED wall – the largest at the Austria Center Vienna. As part of the construction work, the old interpreting booths directly adjacent to halls D, G, and K were removed, and the wall space is now uniformly clad with white acoustic panels. Additional suspension points have been added to the black-coated ceiling area inside the halls, which opens up even more flexibility in terms of event technology and stand design going forward.

Menschen in den Gängen eines Kongresszentrums

Networking in a pleasant atmosphere – inside and out

Natural daylight in the lounges and corridors, white walls, and light-coloured wood provide a seamless continuation of the new design found in the upper levels. Benches next to the windows and cosy seating niches have been created in the lounge areas, replacing the old foyer cafés. This networking area provides a perfect complement to the two large greened terraces that directly adjoin lounges G and K.


Internationales Amtssitz- und Konferenzzentrum Wien, Aktiengesellschaft (IAKW-AG) is responsible for maintaining the Vienna International Centre (VIC) and operating the Austria Center Vienna (ACV). The Austria Center Vienna is Austria’s largest conference centre. With 21 halls, 134 meeting rooms and some 26,000m² of exhibition space, it is one of the top players on the international conference circuit.


David Scheurich

Department Head Communication; Press Officer

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