Business speed dating with the polySTAGE

Innovative networking at the 2024 ICCA Client Supplier European Venue Workshop. The Austria Center Vienna hosted the 2024 ICCA Client Supplier European Venue Workshop. An event that brought together the who’s who from Europe’s conference venues and congress organisation companies. Right in the heart of it all: the polySTAGE, providing the backdrop for innovative business speed dating in the entrance hall.
The big kick-off
The polySTAGE in the entrance hall welcomed participants with a personal greeting after their badges were scanned. A video message with AI-generated translation from HeyGen helped get guests in the mood for the innovative workshop ahead. After the countdown, the polySTAGE showcase began, with the movable LED panels morphing into different settings: from art gallery to digital exhibition stand.

Innovative business speed dating
During the subsequent one-on-ones – which followed a business speed dating format – the representatives of the different congress centres had the opportunity to talk to the associations directly. Once again, the polySTAGE took centre stage. Branded according to congress location, the tables were arranged in a circle alongside the LED panels to create an inviting setting for exchanging ideas.

Encouraging participation
The Event Cockpit on participants’ mobile phones not only gave a overview of the programme, it also encouraged interaction. A quick selfie with a business contact? Or a personal post for the Wordcloud of the day? At the end of the event, the user-generated content was shown on the screens in the entrance hall.

About ICCA Business Workshops
ICCA Business Workshops give associations and congress locations a well-informed overview of what ICCA members are offering on the market. The events provide an informal setting where participants can discuss the specific needs and requirements of individual congresses.