October 8, 2020

Great progress with Panoramawalk and access building

  • Corporate news
Foto: Bau des Panoramawalks des Austria Center Vienna

The construction work is proceeding extremely quickly. The outside of the new panorama walk has already been completed, the new access building is also taking shape. Take a look at the current status with us!

Panorama walk

The spectacular lift of three large elements took place in July. The panorama walk has already been completed from the outside. We show the first glimpse of the inside of the panorama walk, where the technical installations are almost complete. The interior work has already started.

Foto: Errichtung des Panoramawalks des Austria Center Vienna


Access building

The shell of the new access building has also been completed and the facade is already being built.

Foto: Bau des Zugangsgebäudes des Austria Center Vienna


Ongoing work on the canopy of the access building.

Foto: Errichtung des Zugangsgebäudes des Austria Center Vienna


The thermal insulation is currently being installed before the facade will follow shortly.

Foto: Errichtung des Panoramawalks des Austria Center Vienna


A look into the future

danubesail open

The Austria Center 2022 with an open danubesail and the new entrance building. In the background the new panoramic walk.

©IAKW-AG, begehungen.de

danubesail closed

For big events, the space under the donauSEGEL is closed to Exhibition Hall X5.

©IAKW-AG, begehungen.de

New access building exterior view

The new access building takes you directly to level 1 with the escalator without going through the entrance hall.

Rendering Zugangsgebäude neu

©IAKW-AG, begehungen.de

New access building interior view

Foto: Rendering Innenansicht Zugangsgebäude neu

©IAKW-AG, begehungen.de

Panoramawalk Exterior view

The new panoramic walk connects the building directly to the exhibition halls.

Rendering Panoramawalk Außenansicht des Austria Center Vienna

©IAKW-AG, begehungen.de

Panoramawalk interior view

Panoramawalk Innenansicht des Austria Center Vienna

©IAKW-AG, begehungen.de


View from the new entrance building to Exhibition Hall X5.

Foto: Ansicht Donausegel Eingang zum Austria Center Vienna


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