Gaming and e-sports spectacle

Let the games begin at the Austria Center Vienna.

Foto: Red Bull Campus Clutch Studenten spielen Valorant
Clips showing gamers playing and scenes from games being played.
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The A1 E-Sports Festival annually brings the country's best gamers to our venue. When will you join the live action?

Duty call for Gamer and Fans: Everything for the win

E-sports players and fans are in their element here. Whether it’s classics such as FIFA and Call of Duty or Minecraft and League of Legends, the Austria Center Vienna provides the perfect arena. Five halls and state-of-the-art technical infrastructure deliver the ideal starting point. Calling all action and thrill seekers!

Zwei junge Maenner schreien jubelnd ueber den Sieg bei einem PC-Spiel.


The Austria Center Vienna offers everything one could hope for in a modern event venue. The ACV staff provide competent support in planning and executing the project. Particularly noteworthy is the versatile in-house equipment, from furnishings to technology and infrastructure.

Manuel Haselberger, Head of Project Management skilled Events and New Media GmbH

Manuel Haselberger, Head of Project Managementskilled Events and New Media GmbH

Strong team

Strong performance

Full speed: our 10 Gbit/s connection ensures that the network always performs. Our tech team is also available to guide you through the options when it comes to video production, broadcasting and getting the light and sound on point. And if you are looking for a high-spec streaming platform – we have one of those too!

Infos Streaming-Plattform

A1 eSports Festival

Clips of the eSport Festival with gamers and cheering people.

The polySTAGE

The polySTAGE

With 310m2 of high-resolution LED screens, the polySTAGE is Europe’s largest kinetic LED installation. 52 individually controllable LED panels, as well as three additional large LED displays in the entrance hall allow you to create a huge range of custom immersive settings. Whether it’s a registration area, exhibition or stage, any setting can be completely transformed within a very short time.

Explore the interactive landing page

More services

  • Halle voll vieler Menschen unter blau beleuchteter, ringfoermige LED Installation


    Leave a lasting impression through innovative media content and clear branding.

  • Photo: Services technical equipment

    Technical equipment

    Benefit from cutting-edge technology at your event.

  • Foto: Veranstaltungssaal voller Menschen und PC-Tische


    The right room for the spectacle.


Foto: Sales Manager Friedrich Gehmacher

Friedrich Gehmacher

Sales Manager Associations

+43 1 260 69 0

Mon—Fr 9am—3pm (MEZ)

[email protected]
+43 1 260 69 355

Mon—Thu 9am—4pm, Fri 9am—12pm (MEZ)

[email protected]