Your networking areaLevel 3

Foto: Begrünte Rooftop Terrasse im Austria Center Vienna
Saal B im Austria Center Vienna mit weissen Sesselreihen

text mit cta

Two large conference rooms, 37 meeting rooms, and a green rooftop terrace with views over the Vienna skyline. Level 3 is the perfect setting for exclusive events – including outdoor charm for relaxed breakouts.


Barrier-free access via lifts from the entrance hall and all other levels. Visitors can also access Level 2 directly via the escalators.


Ebenenplan 2024 Ebene 3 Austria Center Vienna

Map Level 3

Foto: Raum mit Holzboden, einem weissen Tisch mit Stuehlen und dunkel gerahmten Fenstern.
Foto: Austria Center Vienna Rooftop Terrace Garden Setting
Foto: Terrasse mit weissem Gebaeude, Baeumen in Toepfen, Sonnensegeln und gruenem Teppich. Im Hintergrund ist ein Hochhaus.
Foto: Austria Center Vienna Rooftop Foyer Indoor Garden Setting
Photo: Main building Level 3 Rooftop Terrace Motto Catering seating
Photo: Main building Level 3 meeting room medium
Foto: Lounge Moebel mit Balkontueren. Im Hintergrund ist eine Terrasse mit Sitzbaenken, Baeumen und gruenem Teppich.

Rooms Level 3: Our spaces: your playground

Here you will find numerous meeting rooms, foyers and the Rooftop Terrace for networking.

View rooms on Level 3

Our location

  • Level3

    Your networking area – numerous meeting rooms, the Rooftop Foyer, and the Rooftop Terrace with a view of the Vienna Ferris Wheel.

    Discover level


  • Level2

    Vienna's largest event hall, foyers, and meeting rooms on Level 2.

    Discover level


  • Level1

    Try out new meeting formats - halls for flexible purposes, a Gallery for networking and exhibitions, meeting rooms, and exclusive access to Level 1.

    Discover level


  • Level0

    The spacious entrance hall is equipped with state-of-the-art LED screens such as the polySTAGE installation. Modern halls, work areas in the Business Lounge and MOTTO Café.

    Discover level


  • Level-2

    In large dimensions - A unique combination of exhibition halls, halls and meeting rooms all in one level.

    Discover level



+43 1 260 69 0

Mon—Fr 9am—3pm (MEZ)

[email protected]
+43 1 260 69 355

Mon—Thu 9am—4pm, Fri 9am—12pm (MEZ)

[email protected]